Stump care and compression therapy

A properly healed residual limb is important for the further rehabilitation process. By caring for your residual limb properly, you create a better fit for your prosthesis.

It is normal for your residual limb to swell after an amputation. Compression therapy helps reduce this swelling. Learn about all the possibilities when it comes to pressure treatment.

Using a silicone liner helps reduce swelling after the operation, so that the residual limb has the right shape for your future prosthesis.

Bandages help place pressure on the residual limb, reducing swelling. Your doctor usually puts on the compression bandage, but you can also learn to do this yourself.

Problems with your residual limb are common, but they can also be a major nuisance that impair you in your daily life. There are many different factors that will determine which problems you encounter, such as natural predisposition, lifestyle and personal hygiene.