Diabetes and amputation

Most people have heard of diabetes, but did you know that diabetes can, in some cases, lead to foot or leg amputations? In fact: the lion’s share of amputations are the result of diabetes. 

Why are people with diabetes at greater risk of needing a foot or leg amputation? What is diabetes in the first place? And how can good foot care help prevent amputation if you have diabetes? You’ll find the answer to all these questions and more right here. 

There are 1.1 million people with diabetes in the Netherlands, making it one of the most common chronic diseases. How do you recognise it and what can you do? 

Diabetes is a major cause of amputations. Ways to prevent amputation include managing your blood sugar levels, adopting a healthy lifestyle and checking your feet for wounds.

A diabetic foot is a foot with infection problems caused directly or indirectly by diabetes. You can prevent foot problems by practicing proper foot care. 

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